Top Ten: Christmas Trees

Did you know The National Christmas Tree Association suggests that this season, “36 million U.S. families plan to focus their holiday traditions around a real Christmas tree”… about 23 percent of the consumers will purchase their trees from a ‘Christmas tree farm’ while about 62 percent will buy trees from a retail lot.”
Favorite Christmas Tree in US
  1. Fraser Fir – needles are silvery-green and soft to the touch.
  2. Douglas Fir – deep green in color and has unusually lovely branch shape.
  3. Balsam Fir – beautiful dark-green color with airy, flexible branches.
  4. Colorado Blue Spruce – nice pyramidal shape with strong limbs.
  5. Scotch Pine – needles can be sharp as pins, but it resists drying.
  6. White Spruce – narrow conic in young trees.
  7. White Pine – used in garlands, wreaths due to their long, feathery, soft needles.
  8. White Fir – good foilage color, a pleasing natural shape and aroma.
  9. Virginia Pine – yellow-green needles are paired in fascicles and are often twisted.
  10. Eastern Red Cedar – the fine-grained, soft brittle pinkish red to brownish red heartwood is fragrant, very light and very durable.
source: survey at

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