Not only has Spring sprung but the housing market has returned and is in full bloom! Our office has seen multiple offers especially on well priced new listings. Because of the lack of inventory buyers need to spring into action with their offer. There is nothing more frustrating than falling in love with a home and then discovering you can’t afford to buy it. Almost all first-time buyers need a mortgage to finance their home to purchase. When you are armed with the knowledge of what you can afford it focuses your search and allows you to make a move. With the competitive market get a pre-approval letter. A pre-qualification letter states the amount a lender thinks you’ll be able to borrow based on your income and credit profile.
If you are a buyer come visit The Muljat Group North! We have 20+ licensed Realtors® available to assist you with your property search. Because we get immediate notice of all hot new listings we can immediately notify you of a new listing and set up a showing appointment. With the lack of inventory buyers need to act quickly.
If you are thinking of selling…now is the perfect time because of a shortage of inventory. Let a Muljat Group North Realtor® represent you whether it be buying or selling!