It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Lynden. Lynden’s 26th annual Lighted Christmas Parade was on December 3. It was a beautiful site watching the colorful lighted parade of trucks, tractors and floats roll by. Edaleen Dairy was the title sponsor for the event. The sidewalks on Front Street were packed with parade spectators. The Realtors® at our office ladled up home made complimentary cups of hot soup during the parade. We were serving seafood chowder, taco soup, broccoli cheddar soup, meatball soup, salmon corn chowder, chicken noodle & more! If you missed out on our soup night, please be sure to visit us next year as this has turned into an annual event. Just remember to come early as we run out of soup in just over an hour! We all enjoy something free and delicious, right!
The whole day was fun-filled with family activities. Sinterklaas, from The Netherlands, entertained children and adults during a breakfast at the Lynden Community Center. The Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt was throughout town at participating businesses. The scavenger hunt draws a huge crowd and if your lucky enough to win the gifts are pretty spectacular. Lynden also has a tree lighting and community caroling. We hope you were able to participate in the festivities around town! If not this year we hope you can make it next year! Be sure to check out The Lynden Chamber of Commerce for year round events happening in Lynden, Washington.
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